We are just over two weeks away from the most unpredictable and exciting Presidential race for the White House the world has ever seen. I've been glued to the race since July of last year when Donald Trump announced he was running for the Presidency. When I say glued, I mean literally watching the Irish and Uk TV networks deliver the same news regarding Trump. Much of the mainstream media have been completely one sided in there bias towards Donald Trump. In fact I emailed Sky News to ask them to broadcast a positive news story about him. I got no reply!
Because Trump says pretty much what he wants, that attracts the media like flies because they want to publish all the shocking details about what he said. Wikileaks released emails about Hillary Clinton with Podesta emails contributing absolutely nothing in Mainstream media circles. Either the public have become so conditioned by the ultimate power of the media or they are unaware or sadly to compliant.
It is incredible the response I get from friends and colleagues when I defend Trump or talk positively about him. Some are totally shocked and horrified that I would be supporting him. This is the response from people who are watching the Michael Moore documentaries, who love George Clooney and support Gary Lineker when he tweets with Lily Allen about how badly we treat the migrants in Calais. So my view is irrelevant to them. It's there leftist Obama approach of do nothing. Ah sure it's no harm having open borders and letting everybody come in, ''Ask no questions hear no lies''.I am all for helping people in distress and who have been stranded in countries who have been ravaged by war.
When they say they are voting for Clinton I don't jump down there throat or snigger at them. Human nature fears change. It fears the unknown, and certainly is wary of an Alpha male who has terrific leadership skills and who is the complete opposite to what we as a society in 2016 have become. Many men now have started to behave like Beta males, men who watch Hollywood movies and think and act like Hugh Grant. I used to watch Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson movies and loved there cavalier approach. Take no nonsense and just get the job done. Not politically correct and who lay out there plan and see it through.
Clinton is owned by donors and special interest groups. They throw money at her in return for favours when she is in power. Goldman Sachs pay for her TV ads. Trump cannot afford TV ads and pays his own cash into his Presidential project. So if he did win then he would not be responsible for the special interests and donors. He could implement business incentives and introduce new plans to help the economy boom.
The mainstream media have been publishing articles online about Trump and Clinton everyday. Whenever I google Donald I get a stream of negative stories. When I google Clinton it mentions positive polling numbers. Trump went to flood damaged Louisianna a few months ago before Obama and Clinton. The major news networks hardly mentioned it. It made no news online and I had to look on youtube for some dodgy camera work from citizens living in Louisianna who filmed Trump coming. This pretty much sums up the challenge that Trump has. Clinton donors and special interests own the media networks and this is why she gets all the positive stories. I am at the stage now that people with my views don't seem to be on TV or Radio anymore.
1). The USA to stop invading countries and claiming weapons of mass destruction (total lies)
2). The media to be more fair in there news stories
3). Getting Arab countries to sort out the mess in the middle east
4). To eradicate the ideology of Islamic terrorists
5). Peace and Love
6). For us all to get along
7). To control borders and to make sure that people are checked out before they come in
8). Better leaders
9). Improved relations with Russia, sit down with Putin and get along.
10). Stop the EU trying to eradicate sovereign countries and to slowly stop stripping away our freedoms.
Clinton wants opens borders,
Wants one currency worldwide,
One embassy in Europe
Low paid migrant workers flooding Europe & USA
She is a fan of Angela Merkel (that says it all) If Trump does win then the Media got it completely wrong. It will show them up and the public will start to distrust them going forward. It won't make a difference until people who have no agendas take over media corporations and provide a balanced view. There is a movement happening all over the world. Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage and Trump moving forward with a different approach. The Alt right becoming the bane of the left. We need good fair leadership and nobody knows how Trump will do. One things for sure, we know 30 years of Clinton has done damage. She voted for the attack on Iraq, her dealings with Benhazi were dubious to say the least. She has achieved nothing and that is because she is controlled by the big banks and special interests.
November the 8th is the day we will find out who wins.
Good luck to both Hillary and Donald!